Inspiring and connecting experienced cosmopolitans to embrace life`next chapter with purpose and discovery – curating enriching content, transformative experiences, meaningful relationships, and impactful initiatives.


Experience the Extaordinary

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It´s Time for Life

Avvy is a social curator for cultured cosmopolitans, embracing life’s next chapter with curiosity, discovery, and purpose. For those in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond, Avvy offers fresh inspiration, meaningful connections, and pathways to personal growth. We spotlight extraordinary people, stories, experiences, and initiatives worldwide, sharing content that enriches your journey and sparks transformation. Together, we open doors to new perspectives and experience the extraordinary.

Your Voice Matters – Share and Inspire

We invite you to go beyond reading and become active by sharing your ideas, insights, and experiences. Highlight game-changers, share compelling stories, and contribute valuable content that uncovers the extraordinary in life.

By the Community, for the Community

Soon, Avvy will unveil new community features designed to nurture an inspiring, connected, and transformative space for all our members.


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